Variational AutoEncoders for anomaly detection in VBS with EFTs

Using Variational AutoEncoders (VAEs) to detect anomalies in Vector Boson Scattering (VBS) events, in an agnostic manner with respect to the Beyond Standard Model (BSM) theory assumed. The new physics is modeled within an Effective Field Theory (EFT) framework, in which BSM contributions are obtained adding higher dimensional terms to the SM lagrangian.

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logos Giacomo Boldrini1,2, Simone Gennai2, Pietro Govoni1,2, Giulia Lavizzari 1,2 (

1 - Milano Bicocca University, Piazza della Scienza 3, 20126 Milano, Italy
2 - INFN Milano - Bicocca, Piazza della Scienza 3, 20126 Milano, Italy

ch1 VBS takes place when quarks from different protons radiate vector bosons, which in turn interact:

ssww feynman

ch2 The SM is seen as a low energy approximation of an unknown theory, and BSM effects are parametrized as additional terms to the SM lagrangian through operators of order larger than four:


This stuy is focused on dimension 6 operators chosen from the Warsaw Basis, which modify the decay amplitudes (and therefore the distributions of the variables) as follows: EFTcontrib

ch3 VAEs are trained to reconstruct an input: the input is mapped as a distribution in the latent space, from which a point is sampled and decoded.
The model is trained minimizing two loss functions:


Anomaly detection:

The VAE model is trained to reconstruct a sample that comprises SM events. When it is fed anomalous data (EFT events), those are badly reconstructed and can be singled out: inout

Therefore, anomalies are expected to lie in the tail of the loss function: lossAD


Simple VAE

The first model we employed is a simple VAE:


VAE + DNN binary classifier

Even though the ultimate aim is isolating EFT contributions, the VAE model is solely trained to recontruct a SM sample. However, the choices that improve SM reconstruction are not always optimal for discrimination (e.g. dimension of the latent space).
Therefore, we built a model that optimizes both reconstruction and discrimination during training: full_model

The outputs we obtained are the following: out_result

ch5 To assess whether a model is able to discriminate between SM and BSM events we defind the significance as: sigma

Here we show the results for sigmamax: sigma_def sigmamax

We call a model sensitive to an operator if the significance reaches at least 3: cop The performances of the VAE+DNN model are overall better than those obtained with the simple VAE. The greatest gain in sensitivity is achieved for the operator on which the model was trained (cW in the example), but an improvement is seen also for other operators (to the point of gaining sensitivity on operators that could not be singled out with the simple VAE, e.g. cHq1).